Home with rocks (Exchange Student) (f)

From Create Your Own Story

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You start to walk home with the rocks moving around inside of you. You can feel the hardness when you touch your hand to your belly. You see a tree with large leaves about halfway to the edge of the woods and you realize just how naked you are. You grab 4 leaves and use them to cover your delicates. You continue your walk home. Your horniness builds up again but reason wins and you start to wonder what has come over you recently, overcome with these thoughts, you hardly notice as you trip over a log and face plant right into an ant nest. They instantly swarm over you and you lie perfectly still so as to not anger them, until of yours, one walks over your clitoris. You spasm and the ants speed their movements, you start to become wet and the ants congregate around the wetness, until your groin is covered in ants tickling all of your sensitive areas. You struggle to your feet and take a few steps before your legs give out from under you and you collapse to the ground, knocking yourself unconscious.

You wake up to a tickling sensation all throughout your body, and look around to see an ant trail extending from your vagina to the nest, the ants appear to be walking into your vagina with food and emerging with eggs,the calmer part of your mind realises that they must have built a nest in the rocks that you buried in your uterus. They must also have a queen there. You slowly rise to your feet and walk home, the ants all retreat into your vagina for the trip. Upon arriving home you collapse onto your bed and fall asleep. You awaken feeling stretched and look down, your belly is swollen beyond belief, you look like you are pregnant with twins, and at your age and height that's something. you peer around the bulge and see that the ant eggs are continuing to flow out of you, only now they are substantially larger, about 10cm in length and 3 in width. You realise that if what is happening continues you will burst so in panic you shove your hand into your cunt, and grab when you feel a tube, you pull with all your strength and can feel your vag growing and growing, the bulge begins to go down as the tube emerges, still getting wider, with one final yank your cunt widens to about 10cm and the beast emerges, it struggles around on the floor where the ants gather around it and continue to feed it, you touch our belly and realise that the ants must have removed the rocks that were in you, you walk to your wardrobe, dodging the ant trails that wind across the room and grab a pair of trousers and a blouse, you forgoe anything underneath. You walk downstairs and call an exterminator before heading off to school.

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