Go south west to the small river

From Create Your Own Story

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Yeah, fewer risks seems far better to you than going up against possibly hundreds of humans. You certainly aren't your great grandfather after all. Taking off at full sprint, you reach the small river just before sunset. Grabbing onto a tree and gasping for breath, you notice that your balls have swelled to near apple size. You need to find a mate, and fast. You estimate you have at most four more hours before they rupture and kill you.

You look up and see the river. You rush over to it, ignoring your weariness. At the river, on opposite sides, you see two human farms. Both are silent on the outside, but there are lights on inside, so you're sure somebody is home. Most humans have around three or four children, but unless they are grown, they won't be much trouble. The father is the one you have to worry about the most, as they tend to do anything they can to protect their family.

Though you're about the size of a large human, you have heard of some humans who are taller than you. But, you are an orc, and no human, despite his size, can match your strength. Still, it's best to err on the side of caution when dealing with humans, no matter how many of them there are. Now, the only thing that remains is, which farm do you go to?

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 40
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