Contemplate why this man was so handsome

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:46, 8 October 2014 by Liz2331234 (Talk | contribs)

Wow he was gorgeous. You were not going to lie about that. Even as a fellow male you could not do anything but stare at his amazingly gorgeous face. How? How does someone even get that gorgeous? You sigh. In comparison, your average features falter. He smiles at you giving a crooked grin. You wince on the inside, could he get any better looking. You feel your pride and ego being demolished by every movement he makes, from the wave of his hand, to the way he raises his eyebrows, each a devastating blow to your manly hood. He had small scars on his upper and lower lip only enhancing his sense of character. He had dark hair like yours except he seemed to make it ten times sexier. You mean damn, how about someone carves you a piece of this turkey. His brown hazel eyes...

What The Man sees;

"Hey!" I spoke, naturally to the man I front of me. His eyes glazed over. Um, what? I thought for a second. It was creepy and flattering how the man in front of me was staring. I smile slightly giving him my signature grin. That did it, now it seemed he was drooling. I mean come on, I know I'm gorgeous and I'm definitely not straight, but does he even realize he's doing this? I asked myself jokingly. Oh my god. he doesn't know he's doing this. I try to snap him out of it by waving my hand in front of his face. He doesn't budge. Finally I get an idea.

Back To Your Enchantment;

...tempted to throw money at him to see if he'll sell himself. Suddenly you realize his approaching face, and puckered lips. You

Doll House: Pucker up

Doll House: Run away

Doll House: Stand there like an idiot

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