Break out one of your trusty dildos.
From Create Your Own Story
Revision as of 03:37, 10 September 2007 by Canary8623 (Talk | contribs)
You pop open the top drawer on your nightstand. Inside is your cherished collection of dildos. There's a standard 6" one, a slightly thicker 10" one, a really thick 12" one, and a humongous, ginormous, SUPER-THICK 18" one that you bought for fun and have never, ever even dared considered shoving in your pussy. There's also a few containers of lube.
Do you try the:
- 6" dildo?
- 10 dildo?"
- 12" dildo"?
- Risk life and limb and try the ginormous 18" dildo (yeah, right, like you're going to select anything else).
Or just use the lube to: