Female Human: Head back into the forest
From Create Your Own Story
You venture deeper and deeper into the forest and it doesn't take long before signs of dragon activity begin to manifest themselves in the trees around you. Some signs are subtle, such as tilted trees and large scratch marks on their bark, other signs are much more obvious. Such as large areas of charred forest and clearings where trees litter the ground chaotically. You begin to imagine what sort of activity could of caused such destruction. You imagine the best; young dragons tousling about among the trees and excited young-lings testing their new-found power on the forest below. And you imagine the worst; some poor human running in fear as a fire dragon breaths down on them and a duels to the death going awry when both dragons crash land flattening all the trees in the immediate vicinity. You press on, despite these thoughts, and soon find yourself standing before a strange structure. It appears to be made of trees carefully resting upon each other to form a tepee like shelter. you circle the home. 'It has to bee at least 100 ft in diameter! How is this even possible?' you wonder. Finally you discover an opening and a large one at that! It appears to be burnt out of the wood. You peek inside and you can see a soft red glow like that of ashes.
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