Pokemon: Stay in Kanto and find Pokémon

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:48, 16 June 2014 by HukuSiStar (Talk | contribs)

Wow, glad you decided to stay in the Kanto region. It is your home region, after all. You grew up here. You know the most about this place. You're close enough to home that you could always travel back, in case you felt homesick. But you're not going to let that happen, are you? Because you're ready for this exciting, awesome, action packed adventure, aren't you? (also, traveling anywhere else probably would have cost money, huh? I mean, things are free, you know.) Speaking of money, you should probably take note of the new part at the bottom that shows you some cool stuff.

Location: Kanto - Pallet

Money: $500

You pull your backpack from your shoulders and kneel onto the ground so you can go through it. You packed it the night of your 16th birthday, because you knew that you were going to be too excited to pack it the next morning. You remember putting in the three Oran berries you spent the last couple of weeks growing into perfect berry orbs. You also remember putting the one potion that you bought from the store, as well as the potion your parents gave you for your 16th birthday. You're old map was rolled up into a cylinder. Man, did that thing hold some memories. You got it when you were so young, you cannot even put an age on it. You cannot actually remember a time when you did not have this map. And now, after all these years, it was coming along for the ride.

You stand up. You feel kind of lonely, even though you know that your Pokémon is at your belt. You know that Pokémon are typically supposed to stay in their Pokéballs, but maybe you can let yours out to walk with you for a little bit? Get some exercise on this nice, warm day?

Location: Kanto - Pallet

Money: $500

Equipment: 3 Oran Berries, 2 potions, 6 Pokéballs, 1 map

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