Pokemon: Get in the lab already!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:29, 16 June 2014 by HukuSiStar (Talk | contribs)

You shake off any and all nerves that you had. You take a deep breath. Here we go Ryan. This is it.

You open the door to the lab, and walk inside. You can hear machines of all kind whirling around, and Professor Oak's voice from inside the lab. You walk closer and close the sound of his voice. It seems that his is video chatting with someone. Eventually, you find him in a back room somewhere, and you knock on the door frame. He jumps a little, before turning around. "Ah, Ryan, you've finally arrived. How wonderful!" He turns back to his computer and says a quick couple of words, before ending the video call and turning to you. "How are you Ryan?"

"I'm good, Professor. How are you?"

"Old, but good."

The longer you look at the Professor, the more his words start to take shape. He is absolutely right. He is getting old. You remember being eight years old, meeting him for the first time at a parade in town. He looked much younger then. Now, his hair was completely grey, and he was balding. He had many more wrinkles than he had years ago. He even moved with a slower, older, gait than before. But his eyes were still as young as the day he first discovered the wonders Pokémon. Not that you know how he looked, you only met him eight years ago. Half your life ago. You've known the Professor for half your life.

You remember being 10 and coming the the lab to watch him give Pokémon to your friends when they turned 10, and desperately wanting one, but not being able to have one.

You remember being 12 and helping out at the lab, doing odd jobs for the Professor when his intern was out.

You remember being 13 and helping the Professor clear snow from all the Pokémon habitats after the biggest snowstorm of that decade.

You remember being 15 and signing on as an intern, full-time, without your parent's knowledge.

And now, here you are, 16 years old, getting to chose your Pokémon partner.

"I'm sure you would like to skip the formalities and start the process to getting your Pokémon." Oak says. You nod, smiling. "Well, you know that Pokémon are special creatures. You've spent years learning about Pokemon. You know how to use Pokéballs. So, this is the most important question of your life. Which Pokémon do you want?" Oak holds out three Pokéballs, each one containing a Pokémon. Now, you must chose.

Do you want:

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