She Did Normally, but Without Underwear

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Very Sick, Red-Assed Apparel and Items: Short Shorts, T-Shirt, Sandals
Day, Time Week Day
Need to Use The Bathroom Nauseated
Level of Humiliation A Little Humiliated

When Emily was done getting Katie ready for school, she looked like she did everyday. The only thing that was different was that she didn't have underwear on beneath her clothes. Emily had just slipped on her short shorts around her red ass and pull down her shirt over her breasts. Emily dragged her sister back to the bedroom and dropped her onto the bed. Opening her closet, Emily looked through Katie's footwear to decide what she should wear. After a minute of thinking, Emily returned to Katie with sandals in hand. Slipping them onto her sister's feet, Emily then hoisted Katie to her feet and got her walking if you could consider stumbling like a newborn baby to be a form of walking that is. At the stairs, Katie leaned heavily on the railing as her sister slowly guided her to the ground floor. Emerging from the kitchen was Katie's mom, who glanced at Katie and gave an approving look at Emily.

"Thank you Emily, just make sure that she visits the nurse if she needs to. But by no means should she come home. She can't be here alone and your father and I will be gone all day." her mom told her older sister.

"Okay, but if she needs to be picked up and I am busy, who should pick her up?" Emily asked.

Katie's mother took out a piece of paper from her purse and handed it over to Emily. Her sister looked at it and nodded.

"Have a good day mom!" Emily hugged her mother before ushering Katie out the door.

Katie was guided to the front passenger seat where she plopped down like a sack of potatoes. She was so weak that Emily had to buckle her in. Her sister then rounded the car itself and started the engine up. She drove Katie to her high school where dozens of students were approaching the main building. Buses passed by and were dropping more students off, but it was the girl standing at the edge of the sidewalk with an open stall that caught Katie's eye.

"Hello Samantha." Emily said as she parked the car next to the cheerleader.

"Hi Emily, I hear Katie is a little sick today." Samantha said, looking at Katie with a grin.

"Unfortunately yes, I need you to help Katie around today. If she gets too bad you need to bring her to the nurse. If she gets too bad then call this number to get her picked up. And thanks again Samantha." Emily said, handing over the paper and waving goodbye as she drove off.

"Well Katie, let's get to class." Samantha told Katie pulling her towards school.

Katie soon found herself dragged to her first class.

"Hmm, Katie, you aren't in gym clothes! How are you supposed to do anything now? Well, I guess I will have to get you changed." Samantha told her.

In the locker room, Katie found herself being stripped naked by Samantha. The other girls just looked at her and giggled, although in her deliriousness she didn't really know if it was because she was being changed like a baby or because she wasn't wearing underwear beneath her clothes. Samantha pulled clothes onto Katie, but even in her fever, Katie felt like something was wrong. When Samantha was done, Katie looked down and saw that she was wearing an incredibly small pair of exercise shorts and an over sized t-shirt that showed plenty of cleavage but hung low enough that it covered the shorts. It looked like she wasn't wearing anything but the shirt.

"Well don't you look cute!" Samantha said with a little smile.

"By the way, your ass looks so perfect when red like that. Did something give you a spanking? Were you naughty?" Samantha gave Katie a pinch on the rear.

After that embarrassing moment which would have made Katie blush if she hadn't already been from being feverish. She didn't know what Samantha was planning, but she didn't really care to think about it at the moment. She was so tired and nauseous that she was swaying increasingly worse and worse. Samantha herded Katie into the gym where the rest of class was already waiting.

"Let's go girls! We are heading outside!" the teacher told Samantha and Katie.

The class headed outside, Katie struggling to keep up with everyone else. Once outside, the teacher had everyone start by warming up with a jog around the campus. Samantha slapped Katie's butt and the two got started. They quickly fell to the back of the line, Katie wasn't fast at all and her sandals were making it difficult to jog properly. In fact she was so off balance that when they were running past the woods, she tripped and fell into a bush. She groaned as she tried and failed to move. Katie could hear Samantha run up behind her.

"That looked like it hurt. Are you okay?" Samantha asked as she stopped in front of Katie.

"Mmmm no." Katie murmured.

Katie suddenly felt a wetness at her rear which spread to her crotch. The ice cubes had finally drained out of her, she didn't even feel it at first being so out-of-it. Samantha gasped and crouched down next to Katie.

"Did you just pee yourself!?" she asked VERY loudly.

Katie wasn't sure if this was planned, but Samantha was taking advantage of her predicament.

The Teacher Sends Katie to the Nurse with Samantha

The Teacher Makes Fun of Katie and She Is Humiliated In Front of the Class

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