Blackmail/Psychiatrist/"No it's late you should go home"

From Create Your Own Story

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"Ok, Dr. Milton. I'll be back for my regular shift tomorrow. Besides, I should probably go apologize to my Daddy. I've been a really bad daughter." you say.

After exchanging goodbyes, you leave the office and start to drive home all the while trying to come up with what to say for being such a raging bitch to your Daddy these last few months when he needed you the most. As you pull into the driveway you see that the TV is still on, but the lights in the rest of the house are dark, meaning that your siblings are all asleep and your Daddy is watching TV.

You take a deep breath and step into the living room. There you see your Daddy drinking another beer while one of the late shows plays.

"Daddy?" you say, drawing his attention to you. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you ever since Mom died. I haven't been taking care of you or being your sweet baby girl when you needed it the most. I...I'm so sorry..."

With that you start to cry and flop back on the couch.

What does your Daddy do?

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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