AIF Take a shower to bounce back

From Create Your Own Story

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Even though you are half asleep your logic managed to prod you back to reality. You have really bad headache but are no longer disoriented. As you look around, you notice that you yourself are a giant pile of mess. A glance at the clock revealed that you've been masturbating for over an hour. You realise that you cummed soon after starting up the video, but didn't stop to leave and clean up. The content was so bizarre and unpredictable that you went through the hard-on -> cumming -> flaccid cycle several times during the course of the hour. The result is visible on the keyboard, ground, the underside of the table, as well as all over your body.

You decide it is best to take a shower after cleaning up. You take a generous amount of tissue paper and start to clean up wherever your cum may be easily noticed. You're glad you masturbated in the nude or you'd have to clean up the clothes as well to hide the evidence. Once you are sure no one can know anything you head into the shower. You notice that your penis has become sensitive to the point that even peeing became uncomfortable. You manage to take a very refreshing shower without too much of a hassle

After the shower you go back to your room, glance around once to make sure everything is proper, and proceed to take the case of the porn disc you were watching, this was one of those discs that you "procured" from a network in your school. You softly read the title, "MILF training squad"... the title felt apt at first but seeing that the whole deal was just bizarre and with half of the "squad" passed out at the end of the "training" you're not really sure who trained who.

You suddenly hear some faint footsteps downstairs. You freeze for a moment to evaluate if you are in a compromising position. Aside from the Box of the porn film nothing. You stack it back in your secret cache and head down, to find Alice sitting in the kitchen with a dreamy look on her face.
"Oh, you're done. Great. The door was open and... I... I need to talk to you", she said. She was wearing a white tank top with a deep cleavage. She had no bra, you could tell. She also had black mini skirt. Alice was sitting in front of you with her legs spread a little, but you couldn't see too much.
"O-ok", you said and sat down. "Well, you see..." Alice started, "I have to go pick up Zoe from the airport... And you know how far the airport is, and you see... I'm a bit scared of driving there all by myself. Would you come with me? The more the merrier."

"Of course I would."

"I'd rather not... I... have some things to do around here"

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