Tell the college girl it's her cum

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:11, 21 March 2014 by Bojangles (Talk | contribs)

After a few good minutes of shafting her tight pussy, and more and more of your cum squeezes out, you stop and pull out. A torrent of semen comes with it, staining your friend's carpet.

"Nichole, look at this. This is your cum. Can you lick it off for me?", you proclaim. She looks around, blushes a scarlet red, and immediately kneels down before your cock. She seems more embarrassed more than anything. Her hanks are shaking as she grabs your sticky cock.

"S-sorry, I can clean it off.", she stammers. You sigh with pleasure as she sucks and licks your dick until all the cum now rests inside her stomach. In no time, you lose control, and shoot your creamy spunk down her throat. You pull out mid orgasm, and paint her young, naive face with your sperm. She gasps in surprise as the white goo stained some of her clothes on the floor. You groan and shut your eyes in pleasure as you push your cock back in her mouth to clean.

"How did you think you did?", you ask.

Nichole walks around blindly, trying to find some paper towels. You grab some from under your table and hand them to her. She abruptly tries to wipe it off, but some of turns into a clear film on her face. The cum clings stubbornly to her clothes, and she rubs with no avail.

"Um...I think I did alright.", she replies. You smile and put on the rest of your clothes. "Great! Well, you will receive a phone call from me within 2 weeks to notify you if you get the job"

"Wait, don't I get paid?"

You scoff, "Are you a hooker?"

She blushes, and looks somewhat disappointed and angry as she puts on her cum stained blouse. You wave the soon to be mother goodbye as she leaves out the door. Your friend quickly walks in.

"How was it David?", he beams with a big smile.

"That was amazing!', you exclaim, "I've never felt anything like it before! The adrenaline, the risk, how innocent she looked-"

"Relax my friend, how bout I let you do another girl? How about you just take my place for the rest of the day? You seem to like it too much hahaha!"


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