Have Franchel bring your family here

From Create Your Own Story

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"I would like that very much, your majesty."

He laughs. "Oh, it's not a problem. And please, call me Franchel."

"Oh, okay, Franchel. Um... but there is one thing."

He cuts off a small piece of his steak and asks, "What is it?"

"My family, they, um... they think that I'm a man."

Franchel grows very quiet, before setting his silverware down. "Why would they think that?"

"Because, I... I was not born a woman. I was changed to this against my will."

Franchel doesn't say anything, and simply seems lost in his thoughts. He doesn't seem upset by it, but not terribly please either. "I see. That is certainly... unexpected. But, such magic is not unheard of, and from my point of view, you are a woman now, and that is all that matters to me. Your family shall be informed, and brought here. You may give Greturmy the information on their whereabouts tomorrow."

"T-thank you."

The two of you then return to your dinner, quietly eating for quite a while. Him being so large, he needs a lot of food, and with you going so long without any. After dinner, Franchel gets to his feet and offers you his hand. It's so large he could encompass your entire head with it. You reach up and take it, and he helps you to your feet.

"So, my dear, I can lead you straight to my bedroom. Or, I could give you a small tour of the palace. Which would you prefer?"

Health Horny, female orc named Tana Equipment:

slave girl's costume, jewelry

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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