Blackmail/Psychiatrist/Wear a short skirt and no panties

From Create Your Own Story

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You blush remembering how naughty you felt parading in front of your boss with no panties on.

You search through your drawers finding the shortest skirt that you own. You then get dressed leaving your panties in the drawer.

You leave the empty house, locking the door behind you. As you do a gust of wind picks up your skirt flashing the neighborhood. You blush, your nipples harden, your breath comes in short and quick. You hurry to the car and drive to the doctors office. You can't believe what you are doing. What has gotten in to you? And more importantly did anyone in the neighborhood see you?

When you arrive at the office you sit down at your computer to pull up the schedule for the day. You log on to the computer at the reception desk. You pull up Outlook and are surprised to find an email to you from Dr. Milton. You don't remember him ever emailing you before... You open the email and find it contains a video file that starts to automatically play. You watch entranced as colors and lights swirl on the screen. ... You shake your head, and try to remember what you were doing. Oh that's right you were checking the schedule to see what appointments Dr. Milton had for today. You open Outlook and see no email for you, as expected. And then open the calendar.

It's a normal day. He has a client almost every hour with small breaks in between. You write down the schedule and then lightly knock on the door.

"Come in Tiffany, " he says. You open the door and a surprised smile crosses his face. "Now Tiffany... didn't we have a talk about your dress code yesterday?"

You gulp and just nod.

"So you thought you could get away with it then?" he asks.

You nod again.

"Well clearly my punishment from yesterday wasn't strict enough..." he muses.

What happens now?

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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