Put the dragon out of its misery.

From Create Your Own Story

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Orcs are not exactly known for their mercy, but you find no pleasure in letting a creature suffer. Besides, dragon meat is tasty.

Luckily, this species of dragon doesn't breathe fire or spit acid. They're built for physical fights in close quarters. You walk up to the snared dragon and swing your branch club, hitting the dragon in the side of the head. The branch shatters and the dragon lets out a roar as it staggers, but it does not fall. You're going to need something more solid than a tree branch.

Looking around, you find a large rock as big as your head and pick it up. You arms bulging with muscles you, lift the rock into the air and bash it down onto the dragon's skull. The dragon collapses, hitting the ground with a meaty thump, but its only unconscious. You can see its chest rising and falling as it continues to draw breath.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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