Accept the dark elf's body swap request
From Create Your Own Story
She nods, and you see her tongue flick up a blue gem into view from behind her teeth. She hesitates, looking at you, then bites down, crunching it into dust.
As strange and swirling magics begin to surround the two of you, you hear a crash and footsteps near the bars of the cell.
"Brother, we've come to rescue you!"
Immediately you feel some sort of pulling sensation towards the dark elf. You stifle a scream as your lips are pulled together and you feel something inside you get dragged out into yours. Similarly, you feel something entering your own mouth. Finally, you black out.
Upon awaking, you find yourself outside, near a pond. You're next to your old orc body, which seems to be waking up at the same time as you.
"Brother, we know not what dark magic this elf performed on you, but we got you out," a voice explains, talking to my old body which is now sitting up next to me. "You're my brother?" your body asks, and he looks at you to confirm. You nod.
"Without sex you will soon die, brother, but since I've yet to find a mate myself, honor demands that you give this elf to me," your older brother explains.
The dark elf, in your body, shakes his head, "no, you can't, you don't understand."
"It's alright, brother, once we've mated and she's bound to me, you may use her to get off, but she won't be yours."
Realising that this could quickly get ugly, you finally bring yourself to speak, "brother, our bodies have been tr-" but you're cut off with a harsh slap from your older brother.
"How dare you speak when you haven't been mated to, dark elf?" he growled.
Status | ||
Health | Not aroused (female dark elf) | Equipment:
naked |
Experience | Virgin | |
HP | 50 |