Possess the son playing in his room

From Create Your Own Story

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You begin to float over to the teenage boys room and phase through the bedroom door, you peer through to see him laying on his bed playing on his xbox. You look at what he's playing and from the looks of it you think its call of duty, you look back at the teenage boy who looks about 16 and then move to possessing him. You rush your spirit inside of him and quickly take over his body, you open your eyes to his plasma screen with his game still playing. "Woah....." you say to your self, you've never really been inside a guys body before, but it could proove to be a interesting experiance and maybe even pretty fun. Your wearing a normal t-shirt and shorts with just socks on too. Looking around you see a his gamer tag on screen with the name Brandon in, you assume that must be your new bodys name, you then decide to.....

You are: A Young female ghost possessing the teenage boy Brandon
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