Pour sand inside of Lara Croft's cunt

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:58, 22 December 2013 by Bojangles (Talk | contribs)

Deviously, you stretch the adventurer's hot pussy lips wide open to expose her bone dry tunnel. She yelps in surprise and bucks her hips with no avail. The chains hold her firmly on all fours.

"Hey, what are you doing...". Before she could finish, you grab a handful of the coarse desert sand and shove it into her cunt. She immediately lets out a sharp, ear ringing howl to be heard by no one.

"STOP IT! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING? IT BURNS!", Lara cries. Another fistful of how yellow sand milks another cry from her parched throat.

Nearby, you see a thick wooden pole which is presumably a dildo. It's about a foot long and as wide as your wrist. You answer her by shoving the fuck stick into her crudely packed cunt.

"AAAUUUUGHHHH!!!!", she throat cracking bawl. With nowhere to go, the sand slowly sifts into her bone dry uterus. Lara Croft's hands dig deep scratch marks into the sun beaten sand. Precious watery tears flow like a stream down her smooth cheeks onto the hot ground nearly evaporating immediately.

You ram in deeper inside her cavity and grind the stick inside her with a twisting and pushing motion. The gritty particles slice and slash up her twat's tender walls like butter. Her toes curl up and blood trickles out of her torn up pussy into the sand. You continue until her cunt flesh is nothing but a tattered mess. Her struggles end and her lithe body goes limp as the ground absorbs the once powerful archaeologist's blood.

Suddenly, a loud humming erupts from underneath you. You stumble backwards and lose your balance as a pair of doors open up a few feet from the raped, probably dead woman. Out comes 3 strong looking men wearing black shirts and camo pants.

"What? Who did this to her?", one with a scar on his face scowls. All three men turn their heads to you. The man to his right pulls out a pistol.

"Why you insolent little brat!". Your vision goes black.

Alex Faye - Bad End 1

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