..."I could be Sleeping Beauty's sexy prince"

From Create Your Own Story

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It hasn't helped your overactive imagination back in puberty that all Disney princesses are really pretty. Couple that with the internet and you've developed some interesting fantasies with those characters. Now you figure you have a shot at living that out.

The flash occurs, and once again your outfit and appearance changes. You were a more square, muscular build, and you've gained a more athletic and lean build, with perfect hair and a square jaw, and you find yourself right next to the Princess. People are taking pictures of the two of you, and no matter what you try, you can't not smile while people are looking at you.

Sleeping Beauty slips in front of you during camera poses and discretely brushes her hand across your pants. You've definitely got this in the bag, but you'll be out here taking stupid pictures forever before you actually have that opportunity, and who wants to wait that long?

Name John Charming (A Disney Prince)
Sex Male
Location Disneyland
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