In Our Bath - Caught looking!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:33, 27 August 2013 by BrownCase (Talk | contribs)

The world seems to slow down as your mother turns around. Upon noticing that you're staring at her, surprise briefly flashes across her face, before her mouth turns into a wicked grin. She knows what you've seen. She might even know what you're hiding under the foam.

"Well, if you want to watch then that's fine with me too", she says, hips swaying as she approaches the bath tub.

She isn't even making an effort to cover anything up. Your eyes are trying to take it all in, rapidly jumping between her gorgeous breasts and the seductive tuft of hair between her legs.

"Enjoying the show?", she asks.

You mutter something unintelligble, unable to form a coherent sentence.


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