Unzip and slide Becky onto your lap

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:51, 1 March 2013 by JohnHatesAnneHathaway (Talk | contribs)
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You discreetly unzip your pants and quickly pull Becky's limp form onto your lap. Her skirt neatly covers you as you ease your dick between her labia. Her head flops onto your shoulder. She makes a noise that might be a snore as your dick penetrates her pussy. You close your eyes for a moment, simply savoring the feel of being inside her. Then you put your arms around her waist and lift her up ever so slightly, then drop her again. You lift and drop, lift and drop, fucking her without making it too noticeable that you're fucking her.

Becky grunts and wraps one arm around your back. Her pussy clamps down hard around your dick and you bite your lower lip to keep from shouting as your cock pumps sperm into her hot hole.

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