Young Love/ Tell Dwayne to fuck off
From Create Your Own Story
"Fuck off!" You tell Dwayne as you roughly push his hand from your shoulder. He is completely unready for this and finds himself stumbling back a step. His lackeys look as if they are about to try something but Dwayne quickly pulls them back. "He isn't worth it guys. Come on, let's go see us some tight wet pussy. Maybe a couple of them will need their backs washed.. like Amanda."
You try your best to ignore Dwayne as you head into the locker room. Even though you know you made the right choice you begin to wonder if maybe Dwayne's psychotic hair-brained scheme might actually work. You are pretty sure that Amanda is faithful to you and Katelyn said she would keep an eye on Amanda for you but what if.. Not only that, if Dwayne is able to get to the showers without being spotted there is a good chance he may be able to see Amanda completely naked. Not even you have seen your girlfriend completely naked before. Plus, knowing Dwayne, he would have his phone with him and would definitely take pictures - maybe even show them around or use them to blackmail one of the girls.
You find yourself breaking out in a cold sweat. You look up at the wall clock. It's been at least five minutes since you left them. "FUCK!" you scream to no one in particular. Some of the other guys give you an odd look. You can't take it any more, you bolt out into the gymnasium ready to storm the girl's locker room. Fortunately you are only able to make it half way as the door to the girl's showers burst open and fat ass Chad comes flying out; his p.t. shorts down around his ankles his tiny pecker wiggling about as he does a face plant onto the linoleum floor. Next is Brett as he stubbles half way out, before tripping over Chad, his shorts down around his ankles as well. They both quickly pull their pants up and make a run for it.
"What the hell.." You start to think to yourself as the door pops open once more. This time Katelyn, dressed only in a towel, pulls a completely naked Dwayne behind her using a rather heavy duty looking dog leash. His hands are bound behind his back and he appears to be gagged as well. Words such as 'LOSER' 'DORK' 'PERVERT' 'FAGGOT' 'DEVIANT' 'TINY PENIS' 'ASS LICKER' and many, many, many more are written all over his body in permenant marker.
Katelyn sees you, grins, then waves as she continues to make her way toward some double door that lead outside the building. When Dwayne realizes what she is about to do he starts to struggle against his restraints but several of the other girls, all in various states of dress, overpower Dwayne, pushing and pulling him toward his utimate destination. You watch as Katelyn ties the end of the leash up to the inside door handle before opening the door and expelling Dwayne into the open world with the help of some of the other girls. She quickly slams the door shut and bolts it locked.
You can't help but burst into laughter as the girls high five each other before heading back into the locker room.
"Hey!" You look to see Katelyn motioning you over. You quickly make your way over to her with a silly grin on your face. "Wow Katelyn, that was awesome. I'm glad I wasn't on the recieving end this time." She grins at you with a twinkle in her eyes. You remember something that piqued your interest. "Where the hell did you girls find that dog chain?"
Her grin appears to grow even wider. "There is something you should know.." You begin to worry a little as she finishes the sentence, "Us girls.. we are crazy, vandictive bitches."
You suddenly remember not seeing Amanda within the group of girls pushing Dwayne around. "Where's Amanda?"
"My cousin is a very modest girl." She informs you but sees your are still worried. "She is just fine. She caught those three searching lockers for panties and screamed bloody murder. That's when the rest of us girls took over. Don't worry, Amanda had a towel on at the time."
You smile and pull Katelyn in for a hug. Her towel 'accidently' comes undone as she wraps her arms around your back and squeezes you tightly.
"Thank you Katelyn."
"Anytime stud-muffin."
You hold each other for several minutes. Katelyn, totally unphased by her lack of clothing, finally pulls away with a pout. "As much as I'd love to have you pressed against my naked body I think I better get going."
Katelyn makes no attempt to cover herself up as she grabs her towel and heads for the locker room. You find yourself wanting to push her up against the wall and do all sorts of naughty things to her ass before she disappears into the locker room.
The next couple weeks of high school are pretty uneventful. The most interesting thing is high school football tryouts start next week. Amanda thinks about trying out for the cheerleading squad after you mention off-topic about how sexy cheerleaders look in their uniform.
Cheerleading tryouts are held late Friday night with football tryouts beginning early saturday morning. You want to go and watch Amanda tryout but your afraid that sleep depravation may cause you to make mistakes during football.
Do you: