Ongoing Story/Fuck some more in the park

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Chapter 25: Ice Cock Sundae

After about half an hour of rest, you wake up. Your soft dick is still lodged inside Jennifer, who is awake and looking up at you contentedly. The girls have all woken up from their orgasm-induced sleep and are gathered around you, licking and sucking each other contentedly.

"Mmmm, master, you're awake!" says Jennifer. The girls all look at you and smile. "Wow, that was the best thing that's ever happened to me, master," says Cindi. "Thank you so much for fucking me." "yeah, thank you!" say all the girls in unison.

"So bro, ready for some more fun?" says Britney. She didn't get to fuck you, but she knows she'll get a turn before long.

"Good idea, sis. For starters we need to get Jessica here off my dick. UNNNNNNGH! now THAT's a tight cunt," you say as you pull the nine year old off you. "Oh, master, I just loved having your soft dick inside me. I just felt so safe and secure." "I know, sweetie, I know."

"ooh, master, I completely forgot!" says Charlene. She runs over to the picnic basket. "I brought this ice cream I found in the freezer! I bet by now it's all melted!" She runs back with the ice cream and while not melted, it's certainly mushy. "Well girls, I've got an idea. Charlene, why don't you dump that ice cream onto my cock?" The girl complies, pouring the semi-melted strawberry ice cream onto your tool. You begin to get hard as soon as it touches your shaft. "Well girls, it looks like you've got a dick sundae. Dig in!" The girls all dive in, giggling as they slurp the ice cream off your hardening shaft. One girl reaches with her hands, but you stop her. "Now now, hands behind your back, only tongues!" you say. The girls put their hands behind their backs and lick up the ice cream eagerly, getting it all over their faces. Before the ice cream is gone, you cum, shooting straight up into the air. The girls lean back and let the fountain of cum rain down upon them, and once it's done they lick it off each other along with the ice cream they're licking off of you.

"So, bro, what now?" asks Britney

What do you do now?

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