Brain Bleached/Asa no taiyō/Mujakina/Squad 8/Muramasa Round 1
From Create Your Own Story
Zanpakutou Tales Unknown:Asa no taiyō
"Hello, young zanpakutou," the man says, "I am Muramasa, liberator of the Zanpakutou, and leader of their rebellion. I have come to set you free from the tyranical rule of your Soul Reaper master." "Why would I do that?" you ask him, "I like living in Mu-Mu's mind, it's big, open, fun, and I always have a bottle of sake (Japanese alcohol) nearby, speaking of which," you say as you run a few feet and pull out a bottle of sake from your personal cooler, leaving a very baffled Muramasa by the slide. He recovers quickly and says, "Come on, isn't there something in the bottom of your heart you want, that your master never let you have?" As you ponder this, Muramasa charges you, and Mujakina's inner hollow decides to jump out, looking like a dark version of you. Muramasa doesn't even hesitate, plunging one hand into your chest and 1 into the hollow's, you feel him curl his fingers around something that makes a growl rise from your throat, and a purr from the Hollow's. He grabbed the Hollow's appetite for destruction and your instinct to