Head to the used-clothing store anyway

From Create Your Own Story

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As risky as this is, it's worth it to avoid paying the prices of the mall clothing department.

You duck out into the rain, and quickly head towards the used-clothing store up the street. By the time you've crossed the parking lot, your "shirt" is transparent, and starting to look the worse for wear. Your braless breasts are bouncing freely as you click along the pavement. The cold rain has turned your nipples into very prominent points, which poke into the toilet paper with reckless abandon. You dash across the street, and hurry on your way.

When you're about halfway to the store, you hear a small splat on the concrete behind you. Simultaneously, it feels like an ice cube fell on one of your nipples. Glancing down, you see one of your nipples, standing bare and proud, in front of you. Your shirt is fast disintegrating, and shortly you'll be topless again, if you don't do something about it.

There's a cute blonde business-woman standing nearby, staring raptly at your fast-disintegrating "shirt". As you watch, you see her subconsciously flick her tongue over her lips. She has an umbrella in her hand.

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Health Horny & Female Location:

Main Street

MP 0
Level 4
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