Suck Kimmie's toes until you pass out

From Create Your Own Story

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Your legs are getting numb, but your dick is still hard and you feel every twitch and spasm of her pussy. Kimmie’s toes curl around your nose and your tongue, inspiring you to pump her harder and harder. She shudders and shakes, moaning with passion as she climaxes repeatedly. At last, you can take no more and your balls empty themselves into her womb with such force that everything goes black.

When you wake up, your dick is still inside her and her foot is still in your mouth. You try to pull out, but your dick is wedged into her twat so tightly it’s irremovable. Kimmie twitches and opens her eyes. She sees you attempting to withdraw and plants her foot against your chest. Even with her pushing, your dick remains rooted into her hole. The feel of her hosed foot pressing against you makes your dick swell even more. You grab her foot and bring it to your nose to inhale her scent. You fuck her even harder than before, until you both pass out once again.

You end up having to carry Kimmie everywhere with you, since your dick is permanently planted in her. The mop has to be surgically removed and you promise her that you will never stick anything up her ass again. Your boss garnishes your wages until you've paid for the water damage caused by the fire you started. It was worth it, to end up with Kimmie.

Kimmie seems content, stuck to your cock and cumming almost continuously. Your dick is certainly happy.

The End.

Health Horny & Stuck Inside Her Location:

Wherever You Go

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Level 1
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