Mia/Gladiator/Challenge the tall girl

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Revision as of 23:36, 1 March 2012 by Zoroastra (Talk | contribs)
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You walk over to the girl at the other side of the field, she's easily the tallest girl on the field as far as you can see, but she doesn't seem that strong or intimidating.

She seems rather surprised to be challenged by someone much smaller than herself, and your cute, harmless looks probably play a part in it too. But you have already resolved yourself to fight, so you aren't as scared as you thought you'd be.

You observe her closer when you draw your scimitars and notice she is wearing quite different clothes, her outfit looks more like a barbarian armor made of fur. It only covers her chest tho, whoever supplied these armors obviously likes to see alot of skin. More interesting than her armor however, is the large barbarian sword she holds in both hands. It's frightening at first, but you soon notice that she's having difficulties with its weight, she'll likely be quite slow with that weapon.

While you are observing her, the girl suddenly rushes at you without further warning and brings down the huge sword in a wide swing. You are surprised, but due to her wide slash, have more than enough time to dodge the blade and it crashes into the ground with a force that looks like it could tear you in half. There's no way you'd be alright after getting hit by that, even if it wasn't made to kill. Your hesitation gives her the time to get her blade back, but you can't help noticing that she was completely open after that last attack.

You :

Wait for her to swing her sword again

Try to duck under her sword and tackle her

Use a feint to distract her and attack

Health 50 Equipment:

Gladiator's Outfit, Dual Scimitars

Stamina 45
Mood In Battle Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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