Arturia/Heavy Dress/2/Ruairi/Sleep in your clothes

From Create Your Own Story

< Arturia | Heavy Dress | 2 | Ruairi
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It probably isn't even worth it to take off the ridiculous dress. The trip to the inn was so exhausting that you just sprawl into a boneless heap on the bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.
It is sometime in the middle of the night when you feel the chain of the necklace digging into your neck, waking you. You are lying on your side, and the dress is tangled around your ankles. Irritated, you undo the clasp of the necklace and throw it over your shoulder.
It hits the other side of the bed with a jangle.
"OUCH!" someone says.
You sit up quickly! You grasp the dagger from under your pillow, turn around-
-and fall backward. The stranger in bed with you reaches out. Although it's only a few seconds, it feels like slow motion as he grabs the the cloth of the dress. You watch as the expensive cloth rips from your neckline down.

You land on your back on the floor, and hiss through clenched teeth at the sudden pain.
The man looks shocked.
"Who the hell are you?!" you say.
He is staring intently at your chest. You look down and see your bare nipples, rosy pink and upright in the cold air. You blush furiously and cover your chest with your arms. "Well?" you snap.
He licks his lips, and drags his gaze to your face . "Forgive me, I-"
Before he can continue, you hear the door swing open and bang against the wall. Duran comes close to the bed and sees you beside it, your dress torn open. He drags the stranger off of the bed. "What the hell did ye do t' her!?" he yells.
The stranger glares silently. Duran grabs his collar and shakes him. "I. Said. What. Happened." he says, shaking the man with each word.
"Let go," the stranger says.
The man's voice is strangely calm, which is chilling. Your conscience says that you should try to stop the argument now. However, this person's presence in your room is puzzling, and Duran would certainly be able to find out the reason.

Do you:
Intervene before Duran hurts the stranger
Let Duran continue questioning the stranger

Health 100 Equipment:

Heavy Dress, Beautiful necklace, artful dagger

Stamina 100
Mood Normal Inventory:

Valuable jewelry

Purse 1050, 00, 00
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