Arturia/Ruairi/Wake up to darkness *Light Dress 1*

From Create Your Own Story

< Arturia
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As you regain consciousness slowly, you feel bruises and cuts all over your body. It's almost as if someone dragged you behind him while running through the forest. Then you remember the events that happened before you lost consciousness and realize that's probably exactly what happened to you. You open your eyes but see only darkness. You panic for a moment, thinking you've gone blind, until you hear the echo of water dripping from the ceiling and realize you're in a cave. The werewolf must've dragged you back to his lair. That doesn't really make you feel any better.

You try to get up but fall back down with a yelp as pain surges through your left shoulder. You feel it with your hand and realize its been left unattended. Your entire upper arm is covered in dried blood. You flinch at the touch and roll on your right side so your wounded shoulder isn't burdened. As you try to think of what to do in your current state, you hear footsteps behind you and the light of a torch flickers through the cave. Carefully turning around to avoid hurting your shoulder, the man is already standing over you by the time you can take a look at him. He has wild unkempt hair and is completely naked. You'd heard legends that werewolves could change back into their human form but you'd never actually believed them. Yet you have no doubt that this man is the same werewolf that dragged you here.

He stands there looking down on you for a bit, his face hidden under the wild hair and beard. Then he kneels beside you and pours some liquid on your wound. It burns and you realize he's trying to clean your wound with alcohol. He should've probably done that before the blood dried though. He seems to have much the same thought as he roughly rubs over your arm to get rid of the dried blood, making you scream your lungs out in the process.

After he's finally finished torturing you under the guise of treating your wounds, the man mumbles something incoherently. You look at him confused and he mumbles louder, this time you can vaguely make out 'name'. He must be asking you for your name.

You :

Tell him your name

Refuse to tell him your name

Just drop your head to the ground and close your eyes, you're not in the mood to try to be conversational with a mumbling werewolf right now

Health 15 Equipment:

Bloodied Light Dress, Fine Longsword

Stamina 5
Mood Wounded & Suffering Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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