Go to the bar for a drink

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:48, 5 January 2012 by Travvie (Talk | contribs)
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You go to the bar and sit at the conveniently vacant stool right in the center. You see Geoffrey the bartender giving a chubby bear a beer. Damn, he's so hot. Big fury chest, thick tattooed biceps, and a fat, yummy ass. You call him over.

"Ah, Connie! What can I get for you today?"

You and Geoffrey have a very flirtatious relationship. Despite that, he has never fucked you. "Mr. Constantine and I want a kiss."

"Make a man pour you a drink first."

"I'll have a G and T please."

Geoffrey goes off to mix your drink you watch his beautiful ass move the whole way. He comes back and puts the drink in front of you. You lean in. "Now for that kiss."

Geoffrey lifts himself up by the counter and kisses you fleetingly on the lips. He goes back down and gets the order of the guy next to you. What a tease. You turn to your right to see who he is servicing.

What is a child doing here? The man, or boy rather, beside you is only about 5' 6. He has blond hair and incredibly pale skin, his face looks like that of a 16 year old... or maybe even younger. You are about to dismiss him as a regular twink but then you see a massive bicep stretching the kid's barely fitting black T-shirt. Wow, this kid is ripped. His chest is large and his waist is small. He's like a snack-sized greek god.

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