SM:Just Keep Walking

From Create Your Own Story

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You ignore them, and move on.

You manage to walk down several more blocks but don't find anyone else you can help before your time ticks down to 0.

From the moment your time remaining hits 0, everything before you freezes as though time has stopped.

A car is frozen mid-turn, the traffic lights no longer change, and even the couple people crossing the street have stopped dead in the middle of the roads.

You spot a strange reflection in the window of one of the cars and feel compelled to walk over and examine in. The window reflects what appears to be some sort of phantom consisting of a hooded black cloak, and featureless white mask.

You don't see anything like that anywhere around you to cause such a reflection.

"I've come to collect you," a voice says, though you aren't sure where it is coming from. It sounds as though it is all around you. You recognize it as the voice from an hour ago when you signed that contract.

"You've failed to hold up your end of the bargain. Despite ample opportunity. A pity. But no matter. There will be others, and I will have eternity to show you why you shouldn't cross me," the phantom says.

"The deal was that you only get me until my debt is paid," you say.

"Oh? You didn't read the fine print? Too bad. You're mine, and there is nothing you can do about it," the phantom says.

Your entire body suddenly locks up, refusing to do as you tell it. You find you can no longer even speak as the ground gradually swallows you. You sink into the asphalt to your knees, then waist, and continue to sink rapidly.

You take one last, long look around at the flowers, the sky, and the sun knowing that it is the last time you'll ever see any of it.

Everything goes dark as your head is pulled under the ground.

Game Over: You belong to the Phantom now, and forever.

Restart -- Quit
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