Slip the pills into the celeb's drink

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:40, 1 January 2012 by Derlopos (Talk | contribs)

You quickly grab the powerful sleeping pills (disguised as aspirin) from your purse and drop 2 into the celebrity's drink. You can't see through the gold of the cups, but you know the pills will dissolve almost instantly. If he drinks the champagne, he will be out in about a half hour and stay out for 8 hours or more.

"Alright" the celeb says as he returns to you and grabs his champagne glass. "By the way Jessica, you can call me Charlie."

"Sure thing" you reply as you take a sip of your champagne. The Celebrity watches you, his eyes wandering your body as you lean against the kitchen counter, one leg long leg crossed over the other as the awkward silence is filled by a subtle house beat coming from the stereo. You lick your lips involuntarily and fiddle with the top of your corset.

"Jessica..." Charlie trails off as he approaches you and gazes into your eyes. "I have to be honest with you... I saw you down in the street and I knew that I had to meet you."

"Really?" You gulp. You know he has probably used this line a thousand times... but man those eyes look good.

"Yes, Really" he says. "Sometimes you just look at someone and you know you were meant to be with them." He says as he brushes the back of his hand along your arm. Electricity runs through your body from his touch and you flush. "You mentioned you were a fan of mine. Well I've just met you and I'm a fan of yours. A fan that would do anything for you" he says as his hand moves up to caress your cheek and then your neck. Your body feels warm. "Won't you join me in the living room?" he says as he breaks off from touching you. He turns and moves to sit in an armless contemporary chair in the sunken living room.

You can tell where this is heading, the question is whether or not you have the time for this... the sleeping pills will kick in soon enough, but you could also knock him out since nobody is around.

What will you do?

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