SM:Kick Their Asses

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:25, 26 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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A smile slips across your face. You wouldn't have done this if you didn't know exactly what you were doing, and just how to defend yourself.

The first man rushes in with a left hook, and you step to the side and deliver a quick knifehand strike to the man's throat. He goes down, and hard.

Another rushes you from the front, but you can hear one moving up behind you. You bring up your foot and give a solid forward kick to the stomach of the man in front of you then quickly whirl around to deliver another kick between the legs of the third man.

He drops like a rock.

You whirl back around in time to catch the fourth man throwing a wide kick at your side. You catch his leg, kick his knee out, then bring your heel down on his stomach as he hits the ground. He groans in pain and grabs at his stomach while rolling onto his side in pain.

The second man, who you'd only stunned, takes one look to the other 3 guys you've already dropped then turns and runs like a bat out of hell up the street.

You don't have a lot of time left now...

Do you:

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining 2:01
Location Dream Street
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