SM:Jump Onto The Hood

From Create Your Own Story

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You launch yourself into the air with a tremendous leap and land on the hood of the oncoming car. A few seconds later, the car stops as the brakes, which the driver had slammed on even before you leaped, take full effect.

You take a deep breath and get off the car. You walk the child back to where you were before the whole frantic scene started.

"Thanks," she says. "It's a nice day. Do you like the sun?"

You look up at the sun as you open your mouth to answer her... and the sun seems to dissolve into a blindingly bright white light.

The world goes silent and the blinding light is gone too. You find that you stand in some sort of white void.

"Thank you... " a voice says, eminating from behind you. The same voice you had heard an hour ago when you made your bargain.

You turn and find yourself looking at a hooded white cloak with a featureless, black porcelain mask where the face would be. It floats off the ground, has no body or discernable form, and within the white voids behind its' eyes you can sense a strong malevolent force as well as a deep hatred... for you.

"Thank you for saving that girl. Your act of selflessness gave me the strength I needed to break free of the mask my corrupt, twisted half sealed me in," the spirit says as you feel both joy and warmth flowing out from it.

"What happened to your other half?" you ask, but looking into its' eyes you think you know the answer before the spirit even responds.

"I have sealed it away. In time... It will break free again. Too twisted and single-minded, it will be unable to learn from its' mistake today so that I only need someone else like you to save a life and set me free again. But I do not expect that to happen for some time."

"What happens now, though?" you say while looking around the void. It's a nice place to visit but you aren't sure you want to stay.

"That is up to you. You have fulfilled your contract, but I do not wish to force upon you that which you may not want anymore. I'll leave the choice to you: do you want me to restore you to live, or allow you to pass unhindered into the afterlife?"

You consider your options once more now that passing into the afterlife is in the table again. You did all this for a chance to live, but what is waiting for you on the other side? You'd have to think carefully about this decision.

The End: You have saved a life, and freed a spirit. The only thing that remains is to choose to life again, or move on and see what the afterlife has to offer you... but that is another story entirely.

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