Fill her little pussy with your pecker

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:40, 19 December 2011 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You help the little girl out of the rest of her clothes and take off your own. You point your pecker at her crotch.

"I don't think that's going to fit in there!" she says.

"You're wrong," you say.

To prove it, you take one of her ankles in each hand and lift her tiny feet off the couch. You lean forward and rub your dickhead against her bald pussy. She squirms and whimpers, but doesn’t try too hard to pull her legs away. She reaches her hand towards your cock, then jerks it away before she even comes close to touching it.

With your dick properly slicked up, you lean forward a little further and try pushing the head between her meaty lips. She whines and your dick doesn’t get anywhere. You let go of one of her ankles and reach down. You slide your pinky in between her pussy lips. She squirms some more. You make a V with your fingers and hold her labia open. You push the head of your cock inside her.

“No!” she howls. “You’re going to rip me in half!”

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