SM:Dash For The Basement

From Create Your Own Story

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You hope the crazy has impeded his aim and make a sprint for the stairs leading down to the basement. You can see bullets pinging off the wall on either side of the doorway as the crazy man opens up with the pistol.

You're only a few steps away, and think you're going to make it when you feel something pierce through your leg. Immense pain clouds your senses as you lose your balance and fall forward down the stairs to the basement.

You bounce, tumble, and roll all the way to the bottom where you land on your head, awkwardly, with a loud cracking noise as something in your neck area breaks. You fall in a mangled heap on the floor.

You try to move but find that you can't. Your entire body is unresponsive, and strangely, doesn't hurt anymore.

You can't even move your eyes and are forced to stare at an open doorway to the left.

"Now that looks exceedingly painful, but I guess its' a good thing I took you before you had a chance to feel it, isn't it?" you hear a voice say from somewhere above you, and though you can't see who is speaking, you certainly recognize the voice. It is the same one you heard not too long ago when you signed that contract.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll fix this soon enough. But there is a girl in that room down the hall and I just want to see if he notices her when he comes down to check on your lifeless corpse. Would you wait there for a moment?"

A cruel, haunting laughter fills the air as you struggle to do... well, anything. You're completely paralyzed.

The sound of footsteps above you signals that the man who shot you is coming down the stairs. You hear him stop after only a few steps, then hear a yelp from the room down the hall. This prompts the man to continue down the stairs, step over your body, and head to the doorway of the room.

"Not too much longer now... Oh, I have so many to offer my contracts to now. I'm sure you won't mind waiting here while I do that, either," you hear the voice whisper, sounding like it is coming from right next to you.

"Say nothing if you don't mind," it says, and then after only about five seconds of waiting it continues, "Wonderful! Afterward we can spend eternity together."

Eternity? The contract said only until you paid off your debt! As soon as you can you'd have to mention that but you get the feeling the voice hadn't simply misspoke. You get the feeling that it really isn't going to let you go even after your debt is paid.

Game Over: You're forced to watch as the gunman deals with the girl, then forced to lay there helplessly until the phantom comes to get you. You belong to it now, and forever.

Restart -- Quit
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