SM:Let the Teen Girl Die

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:04, 18 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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You decide to do nothing and just watch the scene play out.

As the bus nears platform B, the man shoves the teenager at the very last second out in front of the bus. The bus driver tries to stop but since buses can't stop on a dime he still ends up hitting her and leaving a mangled corpse on the ground. The young adult male promptly flees the scene of the crime as people nearby gather to see just what has happened.

From the looks of the teenager's mangled body, you don't think she is going to survive her injuries even if she still is alive.

"I wonder what she'll say if I tell her you had a chance to save her and decided to just stand there?" you hear a voice say from behind you. The same one you struck a bargain with only an hour ago.

You turn around and find some kind of phantom floating there, just a few feet off the ground. It is made up of a black hooded cloak and a featureless, white porcelain mask where the face should be. You see no body, or form, and in place of eyes in the mask you can see only black.

"I've come to collect you, as you can guess but I don't have time to stay and chat. I have a meeting I must attend with an innocent teenage girl whose life was stolen from her due to your inaction. Wait for me in my realm, I will be there to see you soon," the phantom says, then promptly vanishes before you have a chance to respond.

You turn around to see if anyone else had seen the phantom and find that everyone else appears to be frozen. Some are locked mid-stride, others mid-run as they try to get away from the grusome scene. It is though time itself has stopped.

The ground below you suddenly sinks, and you look down to see that it actually wasn't the ground that is sinking... but you. You try to move, to escape, but find your body frozen now just like all the other people nearby.

It only takes a few short seconds for the ground to swallow you up, and spit you out into a black abyss. In the abyss, you can see nothing but yourself and darkness all around you.

A cruel, haunting laughter suddenly fills up the abyss and comes from no discerable direction. The laugh chills you to your core and you get a strong feeling that even after you've paid your debt, the phantom is not going to set you free.

Game Over: You belong to the Phantom now, and forever.

Restart -- Quit
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