SM:Don't Ruin the Moment

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:55, 17 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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You decide not to ruin the moment with your impending doom or selfish desires and continue chatting with her even as your final seconds tick away. As the clock hits zero Alexis suddenly stops mid-sentence and just stares at you.

"Alexis? Hey?" you ask, then wave your hand in front of her face. She seems to be completely frozen. You glance around the kitchen and find that even the analog clock hanging on your wall seems to be frozen. Time itself has stopped.

"I would be lying if I said I hate to interrupt your conversation, despite how much you have bored me in the past hour," a voice says from the doorway, a voice you recognize as the one you struck a deal with only an hour ago.

"You could have least let her finish," you say, turning your chair to face the doorway. Instead of finding a person, you find some kind of phantom waiting for you. It is nothing more than a hooded black cloak with a featureless, white porcelain mask where a face should be. It floats a few feet from the ground, has no body or actual form, and all you see in the mask's eye sockets is black.

"The contract said you had sixty minutes, and not a second more. Unlike you I prefer to abide by the contracts I make. As such I am here to collect you. After the hour you've just put me through I know exactly how you can make up for it," the phantom turns and floats toward the front door to your house. The front door swings open as the phantom gets close revealing that it doesn't lead outside anymore but to a black abyss where there appears to be absolutely nothing.

You aren't entirely sure you wish to follow but then... you don't have a choice as your body forces you to stand and your legs carry you toward the open doorway. Try as you may you cannot control yourself anymore."

"If you're so deseperate for a friend... we'll start by seeing how long you can last in here on your own," the phantom says as you walk by. It emits a cruel, haunting laugh as your legs carry you over the threshold and into the abyss beyond the door.

You suddenly get the feeling that even if you pay off your debt, this phantom is not going to release you from its' service.

Game Over: You belong to the Phantom now, and forever.

Restart -- Quit
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