Pokemon: Fight and try to capture the Squirtle

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:35, 24 November 2011 by Leech101 (Talk | contribs)

You nervously order Pikachu to use a Thunderbolt on Squirtle, Squirtle retaliates with a Water Gun, but, it merely tickles Pikachu. Pikachu grins. You throw a Pokeball and... You capture Squirtle!

Your happiness is short lived when you feel the bridge starting to collapse. You grab Pikachu and Squirtle and dash across the bridge as it falls into the fast-running river below you, you can see you're not going to make it in time, you're falling! This is the End!

But, suddenly a hand grabs you and pulls you and your Pokemon onto dry land. You look up to see a tall man a few years older than you with spiky red hair, you recognise him as Ernie a member of the Slave Traders! You prepare to release Pikachu onto your saviour, but, instead the yellow pokemon rushes up and gives Ernie a hug. "What!" You exclaim, "But, I thought Pikachu hated the Slave Traders."

"He does," Ernie explains, "so do I. I left them and I freed a load of Pokemon and gave them to Professor Oak for safekeeping. Pikachu was one of the Pokemon I saved."

"Do you know where I could find the Slave Traders? me and Pikachu are trying to bring them to justice." You say.

He smiles at you and say, "There were five main Slave Traders, each of us had a Pokemon type, a bit like gymleaders. I was in charge of fire, Olivia was in charge of grass types, Thomas was in charge of Water types, Rodger was in charge of flying and electric and our evil leader; Flynn was the boss of all poisonous types. You're a pretty good trainer, but, you can't beat them, I think you'll need me to train you."

"I think I can handle them actually." You say.

"Really?" Ernie chuckles, "Very well, I challenge you to a battle."

"Challenge accepted." You say.

He sends out Growlithe and you send out Squirtle. Growlithe uses Bite.

What will you do?

Pokemon: Use Water Gun

Pokemon: Use Tackle

Health Healthy Pokémon:


Level N/A

Health Weak Pokémon:


Level N/A
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