
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:58, 15 October 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)

As you may know, I am the author of, Surviving Today, the sequel (sorta) Surviving Today: The Traffic Jam, the upcoming Remember, and am now technically the supervisor/contributor for Unkowhero23's stories. With the help of Platypus, I've managed to set up the Story Reviews section, which I hope will become successful. I wouldn't consider my stories to be the best in the site, but I hope that my new story, Remember, can be featured on this site and finally topple War Pigs, which has been there for a while. Below is a list of my works or stories where I have contributed a fair deal in.


Story Reviews

With the Review section up and running, I now move on to promoting other people to make reviews. Hopefully someone will eventually write one. That was one of the reasons I wanted to do it besides promoting stories and giving constructive criticism. To build more of a community, because there isn't exactly much going on in this site in terms of interaction. All I can do is hope and pray.

If you have any questions or would like me to review a certain story, feel free to ask in the discussion tab.


Upcoming story about a man waking up in a room, not remembering who and where he is. I'm putting more effort into this story than I had previously done, so I hope it goes down well, maybe even becoming featured.

Little Taste:

You lift open your eyes, all you can see is a bright light. You get up and take a look around you, you are in a very tight room, no windows, one door, everything is painted in white, beside the door is a small walkie talkie, it looks brand new.

You begin to think, where are you? Who are you? You steady yourself and stumble towards the door, you tightly grab the knob and begin to twist it open. It's locked. Damn. You take another spin around the place. You don't know where you are, you don't know who you are, and you are trapped inside this small room. You pace slowly around the room, with your mind thinking intensly on what to do.

You pick up the walkit talkie, you press the button for the microphone and begin to speak.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

Update 1: Preview of some of the first page up. This story is probably going to take the longest to complete, since I am trying to pump as much information into the story as possible.

Update 2: With the construction of the review section taking place, this story will now take a bit longer to complete, not saying it won't be finished, just that it will be finished later than expected.

Update 3: Slowly but surely, the story is being completed. I'm trying to nudge in about one or two per day, but that may only go down to only one per week! Sorry about that, but I have school and such.

Update 4: I was going to post this update sooner but I couldn't be bothered till now, so Remember recently passed the 20 pages mark and at this moment is situated at 24. Once it goes above say 30, I will be nominating this story to be feaured, then hopefully someone brave enough will switch the featured story from War Pigs to this one, though, I'd like this to be finished before it becomes featured.

Surviving Today (Finished 20 Pages)

My first every story! Its about some guy who wakes up one day to find out that a tornado is about to destroy his town of Netrue and he has to escape.

Little Taste:

"Breaking News: A huge category 5 tornado is heading straight for the town of Netrue. This tornado is the wildest and most dangerous ever recorded since 1950. The Police came knocking on every house in that area to see who had left or stayed. The Police reported that everyone in the area has evacuated except for a few people who are brave enough to stay inside and brave the storm or want to watch the tornado in action. For anyone still in the town of Netrue, i beg of you to please stay inside or evacuate immediately. Onto other news now..."

Surviving Today: The Traffic Jam (35+ Pages!!)

You are a guy, who happens to wake up one morning to find out that there is a tornado heading for your town! Achievements are now available!

Little Taste:

"What the hell were you doing in the middle of the road!"

You explain your story to him, you then ask why are they here too. The girl turns around and see her face, somehow you are entranced by her deep eyes.

"Well, can't you tell," She speaks loudly, "we're storm chasers, this is actually my first time doing this, so i'm not sure on what to do here."

"You should be recording the tornado!" The driver interrupts, "No one else is getting pictures of these, and the pay is really high this time of year."

Teehee! (Contributed)(60+ Pages)

I decided to do some new pages on this story since it wasn't really finished. I only finished one of the 5 stories. But you can still check it out. I wouldn't say this I take much effort into making the pages here, as the pages before were very short to begin with, so I should just keep the style like that and continue that process.

Element (Work In Progress)

This is just a Turn-Based Strategy. You choose an Element (Wind,Fire,Earth or Water), then battle an opponent. I'm right now looking for people to help out and finish this project sooner since this should take a while by myself. I'm still doing battle one as i type here. If you are interested or would like to read this story, just click on Element or go on the Main Page to find it.

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