Ask Dougherty if you can go now

From Create Your Own Story

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"So... can I go now?"

"Yeah, I guess you can. And don't worry about this paperwork. I'll take care of that little snot-nosed prick for ya." Sweet deal. Honestly, you didn't care whether the boy got charged or not. But hey, for the sake of chaos, it actually needed to be done.

You make your way out of the mall and head to the nearest bus stop. You only wait about four minutes before the bus gets there. You casually step on and pay the fare, then decide on a place to sit. There are a few seats open. One next to a teenaged black kid in glasses and holding a deck of Magic: The Gathering cards. Another next to a hot dwarf chick. The last open seat is next to a hot Hindu girl. Who do you sit next to?

Do you:

You are possessing:
Punk Chick
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