(Michael) ...let Tricia caress you to sleep

From Create Your Own Story

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It's been a screwed-up evening and Tricia's gentle touch relaxes you. Her chest makes a nice set of pillows. You close your eyes...

You think you hear the sounds of someone getting up and walking towards the bathroom, but you dismiss it as a dream.

You awaken. Tricia is lying next to you with her eyes closed. You perform your morning routine in the bathroom and rejoin her in the bed. A minute or two later, her eyes open and she pulls your slim body against her soft, curvy one. You put your arms around her and hold her tightly as she nestles you close.

"You don't have to get up," Tricia whispers. "Just rest while we think about what to do."

"Um, Tricia..." you murmur.

"What is it, Michael?" she asks.

"Um..." you say, blushing. "Your body... uh..."

"Don't tempt me," she purrs. "It's been a while. Too long a while. But you don't look old enough to be at the age of consent."

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