Nathan seems stressed, try and help distract him. Wink, M

From Create Your Own Story

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You lean in casually, watching Nathan's less-than-masterful cutting technique, his arm moving jagged over the cutting board. With a mischievous grin, you decide to inject a bit of playfulness into the situation. Gliding over to his side, you humm lightly under your breath, elongating the vowels in his name for fun.

"Hey, Nathan," you say in a teasing tone, "I hope you're not planning to massacre that poor carrot are you? It deserves a cleaner end, don't you think?"

Nathan glances at you, his expression a mix of annoyance and concentration.

"For one. It isn't a carrot. And I'm not massacring it. I'm just... giving it character," he retorts, continuing to saw at the elder root with determination.

You lean even closer, your voice dropping to a flirtatious whisper, your shoulder brushing against his in a way that anyone else would take pause to conisder it. "Character? Well, if you're aiming for the rugged, rebellious look, you're nailing it."

Nathan shoots you a side-eye, clearly unimpressed "I don't need fashion advice from someone who's about to skip a lecture."

You chuckle, undeterred by his snippiness. "Who needs lectures when a handsome guy is struggling with a vegetable in the kitchen? Much more entertaining, wouldn't you say?"

Nathan grumbles, "I don't need an audience for this."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that. I'm just offering my expert opinion," you say, batting your eyelashes playfully.

Nathan finally puts down the knife and looks at you, his usual stoic demeanor cracking just a bit. "Expert opinion? Since when are you an expert in anything?"

You feign offense, placing a hand on your chest. "Ouch, Nathan. That hurts. I thought you'd appreciate a good compliment."

He rolls his eyes, putting the last stressful stamps on the root in front of him, hacking it to an end of its formal days of having a definable shape.

Well, he doesn't seem to be taking the hint, flirt harder

Keep it platonic, chat to Nathan as he finishes up his thing

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