Girl Scout Camp/Cook lunch myself

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm going to cook lunch myself"

You hear some approving remarks from the crowd. This is good, but as a single man in your twenties, your cooking skills leave much to be desired. Plus, cooking for this many people at once needs at least one more set of hands helping, and you can't help but think this could be good chance to toss some salads or fill some cream pies.

Quickly you add "But I'm going to need a volunteer to help. Who has cooking experience and wants to help?"

The crowd quiets down to murmurs. Unsurprisingly, no one is eager at jumping at chance to work on their last day at camp. After an awkward silence, someone stands up to speak. You recognize her as Julie, the French foreign exchange student.

"Monsieur, in France I am a pâtissier. I will help"

You have no idea what that means, but before you can respond, another girl, Daniela, raises her hand and speaks

"My abuela taught me to cook, and I cook for my family on Sunday nights. I think I can help out"

Looking at them both you decide that

[[Category:Girl Scout Camp|Cook lunch myself]

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