Try the door(IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

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You turn the handle and open the door, it leads to a dingy corridor that seems to be filled with doors you try the first few and find they are locked.

"You got to get a token off the clerk Snowflake."

A deep heavily accented voice behind you makes you jump, flushing with embarrassment you turn and see a man standing in the doorway, he's middle aged and coal black and just under six foot tall with a slight paunch.

"I'm s.s.sorry," you stammer "I've never been in here before."

"Here let me show you how things work."

He slips a token in the slot above the handle of the first door and motions you inside, as you enter the room you see it is not very large, just a wooden chair facing a t.v screen.

"You get a token off the clerk when you tell him what movie your interested in buying he will load up a preview so you can see it before you buy, all you got to do is press the play button."

He walks over to the screen and presses a button underneath it. The screen flicks into life and a blonde woman appears on the screen sunbathing by the pool wearing a rather skimpy bikini, seconds later two black men walk into the scene, the scene then jumps indoors and the same woman is now kneeling naked on the floor sucking on each black cock in turn. Shocked you turn to leave but find the man leaning against the door.

"All the pretty white girls love a black cock gang bang." He says with a wink. "I bet you've had your fair share."

You blush furiously, your only lover as been your late husband, the thought of more than one lover at a time had never even entered your head.

"I..I..I've never done anything like that before." You stammer at him, you worked long and hard to overcome your stammer and only do it now when you are nervous.

"That is a crime, the previews over." You turn and see the screen as gone blank. "Why don't you come with me to my place and we can watch it all!"

"I..I..I don't think that's a good i..i..idea, I..I.. I'm too busy." You manage to say.

"Really, doing what?"

You try to answer but lying is something you've never mastered "I..I..I don't know you." Is all you can manage in the end.

"Is that all that's worrying you, look there's surveillance cameras all over the store, I'd be pretty dumb to do anything to harm you with all that evidence linking me to you." Lost for words you find yourself being led out of the viewing room back into the main shop. "Wait here." He says to you before approaching the counter you are unsure as what to do you hear him tell the clerk he wants the DVD, as you look around you notice he's left you in the interracial section of the DVDs and you're close to an emergency exit door. Do you?

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