Downfall/Kirsten asks for the bottle

From Create Your Own Story

< Downfall
Revision as of 00:49, 18 April 2014 by Minnie May Hopkins (Talk | contribs)
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Half way down the road, Kirsten asks Will to pass her the bottle. Will hands it to Kirsten without giving her as much as a glance, a sheepish grin on his face. Gosh, it must be embarrassing to have a penis that shuts off the brain. Buuuut... you somehow like the attention, even if it comes from Will. Suddenly, Will's attention is diverted to Kirsten. You glance over just in time to see Kirsten - 'accidently' - spill a few drops of water on her cleavage. She wipes the drops off with her fingers and then runs her tongue over her fingers to lick up the fluid. Naturally, the show ends with Kirsten putting two fingers in her mouth, sucking on them extensively.

One wouldn't have thought it possible, but Will not only get gulps (the only thing missing to a Hanna Barbara cartoon would be his eyes popping out of his skull), he also seems to be more intimidated by the display of innuendo than by your underwear. He is such a weird guy. For the rest of the cab drive, he doesn't turn around regardless of what you two undertake to make him. But you definitely made an impact on him, as his hands are suspiciously cramped in his lap. If your mum wasn't here, you both would have applied the perfect cure against the common boner - the loud female group snickering -, but as it is, Will has an issue on his hands he'll have to deal with alone.

When the cab arrives at the airport, Will is the first one out of the cab, probably to avoid having to witness how much Kirsten can wriggle and stretch when leaving a car. Tee hee...

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