Downfall/'Accidently' touch her

From Create Your Own Story

< Downfall
Revision as of 15:13, 25 May 2014 by Minnie May Hopkins (Talk | contribs)
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You get closer to the blonde, estimating the right distance to feign you tripped so you can fall against her, forcing her to catch you. She reacts instinctively and attempts to grab you. You outstretch your arms and aim at her breasts. Unfortunately, you miss, and to stop you from falling, you hold onto the blonde's skirt and rip it open at the side before hitting the display with your knee. An incredibly sharp pain makes you groan. From far away, you hear the blonde shriek and then curse at you. She is obviously not happy you ruined her outfit, but you have too much to do with yourself to even apologize to her.

She runs off to do something about her costume, while you wince in pain. It takes a while until you manage to get on your feet and limp back to your seat, only stopping at the public bathroom to put on your panties. Thank god you didn't hurt yourself so bad that a paramedic had to treat you.

Without talking to anyone, you wait for your flight to be called, and if anyone noticed the fresh bruise on your knee, they don't ask you about it.

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