From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:57, 19 October 2016 by Friold007 (Talk | contribs)

You hate being strap to one girl at a time you rather have a girl as your toy rather then the other way around, so as you straighten out your clothes.

"Sorry Mrs. Walters but as good as the sex was, I'm no boy toy or sex slave" you say and head towards the door.

Before you can touch the handle Mrs. Walters says "Not even for a thousand dollars a week?"

At this point you don't now what to do or say but you could use the money and you could quit your boring job and get paid to fuck.

"Now this is getting interesting Mrs. Walters, your offering me a thousand dollars a week just to fuck you, you must be very desperate if your going that far for a fuck. No offense what else comes with the deal" liking what you hear,

"What else do you want"?

"I want you to get pregnant". Mrs. Walter is shock by that comment

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