Stay in control and go see your film

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:05, 24 January 2014 by Lamppost (Talk | contribs)

'Stay in control Shannon.' you think. 'You can't give in now. Wait till later.'

Giving a friendly wave and smile toward the staring teenager behind the refreshment counter, you head off into the theater. Unfortunately the hallways are equally dead. Is there really no one here today?

You smile as you skip down the hallway, shaking your hips from side to side. Pausing for a bit in front of a security camera, you push your lips out into a kissy face while smooshing your breasts together. Then turn away while giving your ass a smack. That will make for interesting footage later.

At last you arrive at theater #3 and push open the doors to find out who's inside.

There's an entire class of Middle School kids on a field trip There's about two dozen people spread throughout the seats There's absolutely nobody here

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