LoL/(M)(GAF) Go left1

From Create Your Own Story

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You turn and head down the left corridor, following it for several yards until it ends at a large room. Stepping through the doorway, you glance around, and at the far end of the room you spy a large treasure chest. Hurrying over, you grab the lid and try to lift it, but it won't budge. You look for a key, but you find an inscription carved into the lid of the chest instead. It reads, To gain the riches inside, you must first satisfy the guardian of the treasure.

"What guardian?" you ask the chest, because there isn't anyone else around. Or so you think.

"Thisss guardian," hisses a cold, sibilant voice, and you spin around, your heart pounding as you watch the long, scaly black body of a naga slither out of the shadows. From the waist up, he looks almost human, with muscular arms and a human face, except for his glittering, dark red eyes and the long, thin fangs that gleam in the torchlight when he smiles at you. Starting at his forehead and sweeping back over his skull, he has smooth, diamond-shaped ebony scales that go down his back and meet with the serpent half of him. His snake body thick and muscular, nearly twenty feet long, and his scales whisper across the stones as he comes toward you, making a sound like dry leaves rustling in a soft breeze.

Labyrinth of Lust
Health Tired; Well fucked Treasure:


Gender Male
Location Gay, adult, furry
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