Examine Equipment

From Create Your Own Story

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In addition to your outfit, which includes the bulletproof corset and the blades in your boots, you carry a small clasp purse. Inside it are the following:

  • Knockout spray disguised as binaca
  • Quick-dissolving sleep pills disguised as aspirin
  • A micro camera and file stealing device disguised as makeup implements
  • Lockpicks in a tweezer kit
  • Fuzzy Handcuffs that are actually capable of detaining someone... and the key to them
  • Condoms... you are disguised as a call girl after all. This particular brand has a nasty poison coating the inside - a poison that you are immune to but that will weaken and debilatate anyone who touches it within minutes based on their body weight.

While the outfit itself feels a bit revealing, you definitely have the body for it and you are ready to get on to the mission.

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